When you have a job to do, your equipment needs to work at its peak. We get it.

An individual product is only one piece of the overall application puzzle. We take those pieces and create customized solutions to solve your automation, process control, and fluid power system requirements. The value of working with Kundinger is our ability to design, engineer, and install a complete technology solution, all from one fully integrated team.

What separates Kundinger is that we are more than just a supplier with a long list of products and a few good ideas. We’re experts in our field, and we create custom solutions so you can operate at a higher level.

Our custom solutions are engineered specifically for you and your needs. Our specialties include:

  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Assembly
  • Start-Up & Installation
  • Repair

At Kundinger, we design, engineer, and craft systems that create efficiency for your operation. We believe in building lasting relationships with our customer so we can help them take advantage of new technology and stay ahead of their competition. It’s what we like to call the Kundinger Difference.

From permeation for small parts up to full vehicle, we have decades on designing and building SHEDS.

From a simple fill to dynamic flow rate, and conditioning from subzero to beyond boiling, we build fluid/fuel delivery systems that can meet the most challenging test situations. We currently are supplying conditioning and delivery systems to many of the major vehicle manufacturers and testing facilities around the globe.

Fuel Conditioning Systems for gasoline, alcohol, and diesel fuel service carts and specialized fuel filling applications. Built to Class 1, Div 1 requirements.

Kundinger can either build your panel to your own design or from scratch. We are a UL508A panels shop.
Currently, Kundinger is the go-to supplier for Stellantis CTC building automation system.